Data and their analysis - TradingView platform
You can hear that trading is as simple as “Buy low, and sell high”. When looking on the historic chart it’s so obvious where was the best moment to buy – the low – and the best moment to sell – the high. If we just could have a time machine and move to that particular moment to make that super trade. It would be great, but we could also noticed what emotions and opinions where popular at that day. Future was unknown and making that great trade was difficult.
Unfortunately, I do not have a time machine, so I decided to find another way to understand the market and become better trader. I want to learn trading technics and already have some programing skills that I can use to automate time-consuming analyzes. I hope that you will join me in my journey. Fasten your seat belts and off we go…

You trade at your own risk – Disclaimer
The first step to understanding the market is to obtain information about it and analyze them. I chose TradingView with its Chart+ product. TradingView is a platform that aggregates data from multiple sources and provides tools for data visualization and analysis.
Why TradingView ?
· It’s a mature platform with many instruments: Indices, Stocks, Crypto, Forex, Futures, Bonds from all over the world.
· It has clear and readable charts available on various devices. The quality of visualization tools is so great that many exchanges and brokers use TradingView's chart visualization solutions on their platforms.
· Interface is easy to learn and use, with many time savings features.
· The crucial for me advantage of the platform is the possibility of writing my own chart analyzing scripts. I will use it heavily.
· Anyone can use it. Basic plan is for free.
How use TradingView ?
TradingView is available as browser app (I’m using it on Chrome) or as independent desktop app supporting Windows, macOS and Linux (few distributions). Desktop version is working faster with less resources, which matters on an older hardware.
The scope of functionality varies significantly depending on the account.
Without registration you can check the platform, see the charts and use some basic indicators, but without access to the community (ideas, chat groups, custom scripts/indicators). To check the platform I definitely recommend to register with at least Basic Plan which is completely free. With basic plan you have access to community, limit of 3 indicators per chart and 1 alert. It is not a lot, but it will be enough to start with.
If you have no account yet, please use my reference link
If in some near feature you will buy one of the plans, It should give us (both you and me) some virtual coins. They may one day help further develop my tools.
All paid plans have 30 day trial period (after providing the card details) so you can check also more advanced experience before paying for it. If you take it and not cancel before 30th day, 1st payment will be taken from your card.
I would also suggest you starting this adventure from learning with demo account. You do not need any broker for that. TradingView has “Paper Trading” module. It’s available in “Trading Panel” tab below the chart. Thanks to it you will be able to test all ideas and strategies without risking any money.
I know that’s a lot in so short post, so I’ve prepared a fast introduction to TradingView video on my YouTube channel:
Have a nice day, and good luck in trading !